
The loess high slope

Watching process


This is the process of our products from painting to packaging


Our Starting Point

Transforming spaces into realms both beautiful and serene.

About Us

I'm the founder of Artmoy, a unique art collective in Xiamen. Our mission is to merge art with innovation, creating a platform for emerging artists. Our journey began with a challenge: the noise in our city-center gallery. This led to our pioneering acoustic art - soundproof, art-infused panels that transformed our space and introduced a new concept to the art world.

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Blog posts

Acoustic Artistry for the Office Environment

Acoustic Artistry for the Office Environment

Noise Mitigation: Artmoy panels effectively absorb sound waves, reducing office noise levels. This minimizes distractions and enhances concentration, creating a more focused and productive work env...
How Artmoy Acoustic Art Panel Came to Be!

How Artmoy Acoustic Art Panel Came to Be!

Our organization stands as a unified industrial and commercial entity, uniquely housing both our manufacturing facility and office within the same building. However, the noise generated by factory ...
Why Choose Our Artmoy Acoustic Art

Why Choose Our Artmoy Acoustic Art

NRC Acoustic Panel • NRC: Exceeding 0.9 Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel • Material: The Artmoy Acoustic Panel is crafted from 100% polyester using needle-punch processing. This productio...

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